October 1992 Chinese Zodiac
Chinese zodiac signs are based upon a twelve year lunar cycle. your zodiac animal sign is determined by your birthday year. if you were born in 1992 then your astrological sign is monkey. there are twelve animal signs. each animal has it's own attributes and personality traits the chinese believe comprise the nature of each particular animal. Zodiac animal details for a person born on october 26 1992 the zodiac animal is the 猴 monkey. the yang water is the related element for the monkey symbol. the lucky numbers linked with this zodiac animal are 1, 7 and 8, while 2, 5 and 9 are considered unfortunate numbers. The october 18 1992 zodiac animal is considered the 猴 monkey. the element connected with the monkey symbol is the yang water. 1, 7 and 8 are lucky numbers for this zodiac animal, while 2, 5 and 9 should be avoided. the lucky colors linked with this sign are blue, golden and white, while grey, red and black are considered avoidable colors. Someone born on october 24 1992 is c...