0808 Numerology
Here we are going show you the meaning of the mirror hour 08:08 using several different 0808 numerology methods. one of these methods is an interpretation through the 72 guardian angels. you will then have an understanding of the message that the angels were sending to you via this “twin hour”. you will also discover the meaning of the hour through numerology. 2011-12-23 numerology the vibration and energies of numbers i see lots of repeated numbers like 0808, 0909, 2323, 1818 etc always doubled . Angel number 0808 meaning. angel number 0808 is a combination of the digits 0 and 8, both doubled to increase their force. it also culminates in the number 7 as 0+8+0+8=16, which further reduces to 1+6=7. 2019-02-14 angel number 0808 is a unique combination of the spiritual numbers 0 and 8 repeated twice. seeing 0808 is usually caused by your recent . Using 0808 numerology numerology we can discover how we will realize our physical and spiritual potentials, with the help of the energies that...